Egypt is shaking for a change? I am not sure. Not saying yes or no, just I don't know. But I believe something, this country is not going to change as long as the whole is buried in fear. And this whole will always be buried in fear if there is no part of the society trying to get out of the silence break to affect the whole.
Peaceful change? I don't know whether this is a dream to come to true. We all understand how the regime is built upon the remains of us. Once we could be angry, once seems gone for good. Violence and injustice exercised daily and awfully by the regime in different ways: police against the people, the army against its own soldiers, professors against their own students, clerks against people and police against clerks. We are all fighting against each other as planned by the regime to remain afraid. Tell me how peaceful change would be brought about if police kills people, in the past secretly in police stations and so on and now on the street. Tell me what peaceful wisdom would encourage this afraid man to march in a demonstration if he doesn't see a heroic act that contribute to his feelings and thoughts.
Heroism in the state of violence is, by definition, against violence. The reaction of the mob however peacefully directed would at least be affected or cause a theme or two of violent acts.
People saying that a democratic reform cannot be brought about unless in a peaceful way. History doesn't agree. Democracy? Which democracy we are talking about? Do we talk about democracy as in the USA or Norway? They are different, not only in application but in principle. A democracy must satisfy the will of the people at a certain time and place. Democracy should reflect freedom however we define freedom.
Freedom is not won without a fight.